

Hi there!

I am Panos Stamatelos and i am a Psychotherapist, Systemic Family Therapist and Clinical Supervisor based in Athens, Greece. I work with individuals, couples, families and groups, while i systematically train and supervise mental health professionals and educators.

I studied Social Theology and worked as an educator and a translator for years, however, following my genuine interest in human beings, i was clinically trained in Systemic & Family Psychotherapy and Supervision of Systemic & Family Therapy for eight years. I then specialised in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT, EFIT) and Children’s Mental Health, while i have also received trainings in Trauma, Addictions, Parent Education, Grief and Psychosomatics.

I offer my services to individuals, couples, families and groups in private, while i co-operate with the Four-Year Training Program in Systemic Therapy of the Center for the Study of Human Systems Bettering and Therapy as a trainer, clinical supervisor and examiner. I practise both in English and in Greek, in person and online. I am a full member of the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA), the Code of Ethics of which i follow, and the Society for Systems Therapy and Intervention, the general secretary of the board of which I take pride in being. On the side, I write and translate scientific articles and books, while I continue to grow.

I hope we will meet somehow.


Therapeutic Approach

The approach i follow in therapy and supervision is based on Systemic Therapy, which was created in the middle of the 20th century to cover the therapeutic needs of families, something which the approaches of the time could hardly do. With a background in Cybernetics and General Systems Theory, Systemic Therapy shifted the emphasis from the human being to the system, namely their relationships, studying how something happens rather than why it happens.

I see people through the lens of their relationships, based on the environment they live in. An integral element of my approach is Attachment Theory, which looks into how the environment we grow up in co-creates how we see ourselves and the world, while i draw upon Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), the most scientifically established application of this theory. Additionally, i integrate the principles of authenticity and unconditional acceptance of Person-Centred Therapy as well as the co-construction of reality, the use of language and the cooperative nature of Narrative Therapy.

Ατομική Θεραπεία

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy aims at helping people overcome the obstacles they may be facing so they can grow and live their lives better. Topics that can be dealt with are anxiety, depression, phobias, grief, expression of gender and sexuality, relationship issues, psychosomatic symptoms, addictions, image of self and body, work-related dilemmas, abuse and trauma, among others. Individual sessions are characterized by unconditional acceptance, safety, confidentiality and respect for diversity. Sessions last for 60 minutes and are weekly or biweekly, while they can be part of short-term counselling or long-term psychotherapy.

Θεραπεία Παιδιών & Εφήβων

Child & Adolescent Therapy

Child Therapy (up to 10 years old) aims at exploring children’s emotional world so troubling thoughts and behaviours can arise. Adolescent Therapy (10 to 18 years old) explores the resources teenagers have to survive this really demanding period of change. Anxiety, depression, image of self and body, school matters, separation and loss, abuse and trauma, self-harm, eating disorders and addictions, family bonds and expression of gender and sexuality are example topics. Sessions involve talking, play and the use of art, according to the age, the culture and the needs, while they last for 60 minutes and are weekly.

Θεραπεία Ζεύγους

Couple Therapy

Couple Therapy can help partners who have been trapped in a vicious cycle so they can learn new ways of communicating so they can live better. It’s a magic process in which partners come together to face what separates them and strengthen the bond between them. Topics of concern are the alienation of the partners, sexual difficulties, the dilemma of having a family, (attachment) trauma and partner violence. Sessions are characterized by respect for the world and the culture of each couple, and both heterosexual and homosexual couples are welcome. Sessions last for 60-70 minutes are weekly or biweekly.

Οικογενειακή Θεραπεία

Family Therapy

Although Family Therapy usually starts with one or more of its minor members, it is often a great opportunity for the whole family to evolve and change. It is an occasion in which family members decide which old patterns they wish to stop passing on to the next generations, adopting new ones. Family Therapy can also prove useful during a change, such as the addition of a member, settling down in a new country / culture, sickness and loss, separation and the issues of a mixed family. Family Therapy prides in helping parents let go and step back, leaving space for their children to grow. Sessions last for 60-70 minutes, are weekly or biweekly and are characterized by respect for the culture of each family, while all types of family are welcome.

Ομαδική Θεραπεία

Group Therapy

People have always needed people like oxygen, and groups have always been our natural habitat. Thus, Group Therapy can prove much more effective as we learn better when we learn together. Through Group Therapy people learn to co-exist, share, listen and reach out to others, while they find out they are not alone. Groups can help in personal development, psycho-education, skill building, while there are groups for adults, children, teenagers, couples, families, professionals and members of marginalised groups / communities (e.g. LGBTQI+, disabled, refugees & immigrants), among others. Apart from talking, small groups, art, role playing and experiential exercises are also used. Group sessions last for 90-120 minutes and are weekly or biweekly.

ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ Καταφατική Θεραπεία

LGBTQI+ Affirmative Therapy

LGBTQI+ Affirmative Therapy aims at helping members of the community (who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Queer and Intersex among others) deal with obstacles they may find in the path of making peace with their sexuality so they can live a happy life. Related topics are the exploration and expression of one’s sexual orientation and gender identity, the coming-out process, same-sex relationships & families, developmental trauma and resilience, alternative types of partnership (e.g. open relationships, polyamory, asexual relationships, pansexuality), BDSM practices, LGBTQI+ phobias, recovery from conversion therapy. LGBTQI+ Affirmative Therapy is offered to individuals, couples, families and groups and is known for its inclusive language and practices, and its respect for diversity.

Εκπαίδευση Γονέων

Parent Education

Parent Education is a chance for (new) parents to explore more effective ways of communicating with their children, regardless of their age.  It’s a process (also known as parent coaching or parent counselling) during which parents get to adopt the skills to bridge the gap between them. Through the model of Nonviolent Communication, enriched by Attachment Theory, the parents involved have the opportunity to “adopt” their children,  thus to raise them consciously and wholly.  Apart from (future) parents, this is a service really useful to anyone who works or is associated with kids (e.g. social workers and teachers), while it can be offered on an individual, couple, family, group or workshop basis.

Κλινική Εποπτεία

Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision can help mental health professionals and other health providers develop the resilience and the resources needed so they can offer their services without getting personally involved. It is also an excellent opportunity for new mental health professionals to learn how to navigate through a therapy session so they can create their own therapeutic voice, by learning theory and practices, abiding by ethics. Clinical Supervision can also help experienced professionals as they sometimes get stuck due to personal dilemmas, while it can guide them into (re)shaping their therapeutic approach. This service does not just offer ready-made solutions, but rather aims at helping the professionals involved discover their own solutions through a cooperative approach on a one-to-one basis or in a group.



Online services can help people who for some reason cannot attend a session in person. The services offered online are Individual Therapy, Adolescent Therapy, Couple Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, LGBTQI+ Therapy, Parent Education, Clinical Supervision and Workshops.  Although the in-person communication is irreplaceable, the benefits of a mental health service are not affected by the online communication, while there are many people who actually prefer an online session. The prerequisites are a stable internet connection, some privacy in the room chosen, and a computer / a tablet / a smartphone.